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data generator中文是什么意思

用"data generator"造句"data generator"怎么读"data generator" in a sentence


  • 数据发生器
  • 数据生成程序
  • 数据生成器
  • 资料产生器


  • Xml data generator tool property page
    “ xml数据生成器工具”属性页
  • Represents the xml data generator
  • Pdg private data generator
  • Test data generator
  • The track data generator bases on inertial navigation principles , and creates inertial components outputs by mathematic method
  • Data generator can generate very complicated digital signals . it can be used as programmable data signal source in the fields of communication , radar , navigation , space , and so on
  • The main works of the dissertation include : 1 . demonstrating the working process of the high speed data generator and the functions of its circuits , and giving the principle of the data loading circuit , generating circuit of high speed data and output control
    本论文的主要工作主要包括: 1阐明了整个高速数据发生器的工作流程及各部分电路所完成的功能,并详细说明了数据的装载、高速数据的产生及输出控制的工作原理。
  • This work comes from the project " high speed data generator " , which is taken on by the university of electronic science and technology of china . this dissertation describes the design of the data generator , which includes data loading circuit , high speed data generating circuit and so on . it also analyzes some key techniques about its development and gives solutions of the high speed data generator
    结合电子科技大学承担的项目“高速数字信号发生器” ,本文围绕“高速数据产生”这一课题展开研究,阐述了数据产生中的数据装载、高速信号的获得;分析了研制高速数据发生器所需攻克的关键技术,提出了技术解决途径;并给出了高速数据产生的硬件设计方案,并对电路进行了制作和调试;对调试中出现的问题,进行了较深入的分析,提出了实际的解决措施。
用"data generator"造句  


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